Was having a quiet drink the other night in a local downtown Chiang Mai pub with a friend, talking about this and that but mainly the other. In the background, local songsters were playing their own rendering of the Beatles song “Nowhere Man” I knew it was this song because my friend did the interpretation.
Not that the song wasn’t in English, it was, or at least was meant to be, it was just that, well to be kind, it needed a wee bit more practice. Not that yours truly could have done a better job, but I tend to keep my sorrowful serenading behind my shower curtain and not contaminate the all-ready over contaminated Chiang Mai air with more pollution.As the song reached its welcoming end my friend said to me in a thoughtful manner “You know, you’re a bit of a Nowhere Man”. I thought nothing of it at the time but later I reflected on what she had said and what caused her to say it, “..a bit of a Nowhere Man”. Ok, so it was out with the lyrics and on with the MP3. At the end I could see where she was coming from... but alas not where I was going!
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