It's enough to pull your hair out! Decisions, decisions, and more decisions! Pressure after pressure and after even more pressure! Why is there such a demand on my life, how am I to cope with all these complexities thrust upon me unwanted, uninvited and totally unnecessary. At a time when I ought to be reaping the fruits of my hard earned retirement, having battled through the rigors of adolescence, married life, fatherhood and bloody hard work here I am tense, tired and stressed out.
Why you may ask (or may not!) What is the cause of such mental anguish from a normally placid, tranquil and ordered mind? It's the sodden Olympics, that's what! Why so, you may further inquire. Because in years gone-by when the Olympics were broadcast on the telly, life was easy, there was only one channel to watch and a little later on maybe one or two more at the most. Now, thanks to the wonders of satellite TV and streaming on the internet there is a multitude of events to be watched and most at the same time. Add to this golf, F1, football and others, the result is cranial confusion!
Well I suppose I can last out for two weeks when things should settle down and relative calm descends. I'll be challenged by more manageable tribulations such as; should I just have 2 bottles of Leo or go for the promotion, how shall I cook my eggs in the morning and one slice of toast or two. Ah! The good life!